Monday, January 24th the Pedaler's members met at the library for their first meeting of 2011. Pizza was delivered by Norman, a donation cup was on the table to help defer the club expense of the pizza. Due to the club plans to view a movie the board did not meet before hand. The business part of the meeting was brief, beginning at 6:07pm. There were 11 members present. They were Dale and Judy, Rudy, Randy, Paul, Dan, Kevin, Keith, Norm, Eric and Marsha.
Dan announced our new board members, Rod Harwood taking the position of road bike director, and Corey Cohen stepping in as our new mountain bike director.
Next Kevin delivered a detailed treasury report announcing a tentative budget for the direction of 2011 finances. Details were as follows:
Projected income for 2011, based on lowest 2 of last 3 years: $850
Projected expenses for 2011:
$65 - LAB Dues
$35 - IMBA Dues
$160 - Insurance
$350 - On The Rock Donations
$44 - Post Office Box
$84 - Web Hosting
$50 - Spring Fling
$62 - Misc
$850 - Total
At exactly 6:30 Keith had the movie, “Bicycle Dreams movie about Race Across America” ready to roll. Kevin filled us in with a little info that he knew about what has happened to one of the riders since the movie was made and we watched the movie. If YOU missed this, you should try to get an opportunity to view it on your own. (Marsha's personal editorial comment.)
After the movie it was decided that the next meeting will be Thursday, February 24 at Luigi’s. Kevin agreed to make reservations.
The club was dismissed.
1/24/2011 Members Meeting
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- Hits: 1676