July 18: No board meeting July 18 Pedaler membership meeting started about 6:40 Attendees: Mike, Kevin, Dale, Judy, Norm, Steve, Marsha, Ginger, Janie, Dan, DanS Treasury report (Kevin): Þ Starting balance $2166.93 Þ Income: $ 100.00 Þ Ending balance $2266.93 Mountain bike report (Dan): Þ Went to Osage Hills State Park races previous weekend and said it was very well attended, maybe 70-80 racers plus numerous family and friends watching. Road bike report (DanS): Þ Hotter N Hell (August 27), some indicated they were attending Þ Dam Jam (September 10), some indicated they were attending Þ TBC Fall Century (September 24), some indicated they were attending Old Business: Þ Firecracker century – hot and many enjoyed the ride, some starting at 6 and others starting at 6:30. Thanks to Mike & Barbara Maloney for sagging! Þ One Hill of a Ride – another good ride, more miles than anticipated on a hot day. New Business: Þ If you would like to volunteer to be on the Pedaler’s Nominating Committee, please send Dan Schultes a note. Nominating Committee should provide board candidates to the membership by ~November 1. Þ Steve suggested that Bartlesville host a ride. If you have ideas that you’d like to share on this, please provide to Steve. Next meeting: Þ August meeting is cancelled Þ September meeting is September 19 at Eggbert’s Restaurant Meeting was adjourned at ~7:22
7/18/2011 Members Meeting
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