Bartlesville Pedalers meeting
November 17, 2014
Freeman residence
14 attending
The meeting was called to order at 7:38 following a potluck dinner.
Treasurer Shirley reported that our year-end balance is $1,455.49.
President Alan said that all 2014 officers had agreed to continue in their roles in 2015. (This is pending voter approval by the club members at our December meeting.)
The December meeting/Christmas party is scheduled for December 11 at 6:30 pm at Luigi’s restaurant. There will be a Dirty Santa gift exchange. Club members may invite guests as a means of introducing new people to the club.
Saturday rides from Johnstone Park will leave at 12:00 from December through February. (Start time is 10:00 for the rest of November.)
Our participation in the 2015 Phillips health fair was discussed and we plan to have a table with club flyers available as we did last year.
We also discussed having our ride schedule included in the Bartlesville Magazine calendar to recruit potential new members.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13.
Dan Reinking