Bartlesville Pedalers Meeting Minutes

May 22, 2024 at 7 PM

Martin residence

13 attending


Note: This is our first board meeting since February 2020 (COVID intermission)


Discussion centered on the best way to maintain communication among membership. The main options discussed were maintaining the current Pedalers website and email list versus setting up a social media group on a platform such as Facebook. The latter would be free but would require someone to set up and manage it for the club. The former incurs a cost of about $180/year, but is already set up, and some members are uncomfortable using social media and find the current website and email list preferable.


Treasurer’s report (Rod Harwood): The club has about $259 in its account. The website cost is currently the only expense incurred by the club, as we no longer have a post office box and no longer support the League of American Bicyclists. Annual club dues have not been solicited since they were suspended during COVID.


A consensus was reached to maintain the current website and email list until such time as an alternative is found and agreed to.


Discussion about dues ensued, to ensure that we can meet the annual costs for the website, and occasional club activities if desired. Reinstatement of annual dues of $20/household was agreed upon. Rod would like to be replaced as treasurer, but agreed to stay on for a limited time until a new treasurer is voted in. For now, members may remit dues to Rod Harwood, 604 Denver Place, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Dues payment enables your subscription to the club email list. New members should fill out the membership form on the Pedalers website and mail with dues payment (Bartlesville Pedalers if paying by check) to Rod at the address given above, or handed in person to a club officer at a club ride. Renewing members can also remit payment to Rod. Rod will provide email addresses of paid members to Dale Munn who manages the club website and email list.


Special thanks to Rod and to Dale for continued service to the club in these matters.


Dan Reinking