Bartlesville Pedalers meeting
October 20, 2014
Freeman residence
10 attending
The meeting was called to order at 6:40.
Treasurer Shirley reported our balance as $1455.49, with the only recent expense being $100 for bicycling safety guides that were given to participants at the Boys and Girls Club ride last month.
Regarding the Boys and Girls Club ride, there was some discussion of minor improvements that could be made to various aspects of the ride. Joel is maintaining a list of such items for future discussion.
A motion was made to raise our membership dues to $20/year for 2015. This would include either individual or family memberships. The motion was seconded, and passed. Dale will update the website and membership form to reflect the new membership rate.
Rhonda F., Kevin D., and Sean O. were proposed as a nominating committee for the 2015 Pedalers officers. Most of the current officers were present and indicated a willingness to continue in their respective roles in 2015.
The Pedalers Christmas party is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, December 11 at Luigi’s restaurant in Bartlesville at 6:30 pm. Rhonda will call to reserve the private room at the restaurant.
The next Pedalers meeting will be a potluck at the Freeman residence on November 17 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Dan Reinking