Bartlesville Pedalers meeting
July 21, 2014
Pizza Hut
12 attending
We gathered at 6:30 and began discussions shortly thereafter.
Mirelle Onukwube with the Boys and Girls Club went over plans for the upcoming charity bike ride scheduled for September 13. Pedalers are providing input on the routes (5, 15, 50, and 100 mile routes) and other details of the ride, as well as volunteering for various duties such as route marking and SAG support. More volunteers are needed to help with registration as well as set up and tear down of rest stops. Information and a registration form can be found at
Shirley Martin reports our bank balance as $1555.49. There was a brief discussion about membership rates. Our club insurance premium is based on the number of members, so our current single rate tier covering both single and family memberships doesn’t really cover added costs for couples or families who ride with the club. Adding a second membership tier for families (proposed at $20 versus $16 for singles) would require a change to the club’s bylaws, whereas raising the rate to $20 for everyone (singles or families) would not require a change to the bylaws because it maintains a single membership tier. It was suggested that we target the November meeting for a decision on rates to enable people to come to the December meeting with the correct dues payment for 2015.
Washington County District 2 commissioner Mike Bouvier contacted the club about his proposal to install signs identifying certain county roads in District 2 as a Washington County Bikeway, and he asked for input as to which roads should be designated. Suggestions will be provided to him based on a brief discussion tonight.
Our next meeting is scheduled for August 18 at the Martin residence.
Alan adjourned the meeting at 7:47.
Dan Reinking