June 20, 2011

Board meeting began at 6:12 pm at Dinks

Members attending were Dale, Judy, Kevin, Rudy, Dan and Marsha

Subjects discussed included possibilities of asking new riders to sign a roster, which would also serve as a waiver to cover them under the insurance plan during the ride, and even possibly serving as a way to make them a member.  Also kicked around were the ideas of offering them a one time free ride and then asking them to be covered under insurance by joining the club before joining in any other rides.  It was agreed by the board that a committee should be formed to decide the best way to handle these questions.

June 20, 2011

Club meeting began at 6:40pm at Dinks.  Introductions included welcoming our newest member, Janie Dinkel. There were nine current club members present, making a total of ten present.

Rudy announced that there is a support group for Parkinson's looking for possible volunteers if there was any interest.

Kevin presented a treasury report stating that the beginning balance for May 2011 was $2294.93.  There were no deposits, expenses included Spring Fling expense re-reimbursement to Alan Freeman of $100 and pizza reimbursement of $28 from the last club meeting at the library. This left an ending balance of $2166.93.

There was no mountain bike report.

There was no road bike report.

Plans were made for the annual club Firecracker Century ride to Mohawk park and back.  Barbara Maloney graciously agreed to offer SAG for the club that day and it was decided to offer $75 towards her expenses although she wanted to shop with the intention of spending $50. The ride was scheduled for Saturday, July 2nd, leaving Johnstone park at 6:30am.  It was also determined that a make up date (in case of rain) would be Monday, July 4th.

No finite decisions were made concerning One Hill of a Ride.

Other upcoming rides included Ragbrai on July 25, Hotter 'N Hell Hundred on August 27 and Dam Jam on September 10.

Old business included an update about On the Rock's trip, with suggestions to read the email sent out by Malcolm for full match sponsorship instructions.  Sponsoring the kids helps them to develop character as well as bike riding skills.

A brief freewheel summary was shared by Dale and Judy Munn.

Tour de Cure was completed by Sean, Lori,  Marsha, Dan and Randy.

Much discussion was made concerning the membership application and membership/guest waiver/release form currently being researched and analyzed by Rudy.  The board's recommendation of forming a committee was presented and volunteers were recruited.  Dale Munn and Rudy agreed to serve, Kevin agreed to contact Rod and possibly serve as well.

New business briefly touched on the topic of possibly changing the start time of the Saturday rides to 7am.  Dan suggested that a club vote should be sent out via email concerning this decision.  Dale was to send out the proposal.

Kevin also inquired whether there is any club interest in organizing a swap meet, with members bringing extra and unwanted bike paraphenaliah to trade for other treasures.

The next meeting is to be on July 18 at the library.  Whether or not pizza is served will be determined by if anyone volunteers to get the pizza or not.  There will probably NOT be a meeting in August.

Rudy motioned and Mike seconded the motion for meeting adjournment at 7:23.