Bartlesville Pedalers meeting

May 23, 2016

Martin residence

Dessert served al fresco

8 attending

6:37 to 7:08

Joel’s Treasurer’s report listed a current balance of $1787.62. There are some expenses incurred by Rhonda for Spring Fling that the club will reimburse her for.

The Wynona Ramble will take place (weather permitting) on Monday May 30. There will be two route options. The full Ramble will leave from Johnstone Park at 8:00. For those wanting a shorter, more relaxed Wynona Ramble route, a second group will leave the Okesa fire station at 8:00. Exact mileages for the routes may soon be posted via email, but for planning purposes you can figure roughly 70 miles for the full Ramble and roughly 50 miles for the Amble Ramble.

The Firecracker Century on July 4 is scheduled to go to Claremore, and pending Rhonda’s availability that day we will probably have a picnic lunch there as we did last year. More details such as the start time and exact route will be determined and shared at a later date.

Discussion favored several special event-themed weeknight rides this summer, dubbed by Rod as the Summer Cooler Series. One will be a Snow Cone Ride on a Tuesday evening (snow cones at the kiddie park upon our return to Johnstone park after the ride), one will be a Watermelon Ride (watermelon at either Johnstone or Sooner Park following a Tuesday or Thursday ride), and one will be a Frozen Custard Ride (stopping at Jared’s after a Thursday ride). Dates are still to be determined, but will likely be in July.

There will not be a Pedalers meeting in June. Our next meeting will by July 11 at the downtown Pizza Hut at 6:30.

Dan Reinking