Bartlesville Pedalers meeting

October 17, 2016

Martin residence

7 attending

6:35 to 7:18

Joel’s Treasurer’s report shows a balance of $1537.62.

Shirley will be contacting potential members for a club officer nominating committee.

Easy Rider rides are taking place Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30 (corner of Bison Road and Highway 60) through October. Starting in November, these rides will shift to 1:30 pm.

Saturday rides will start at 10:00 am from Johnstone Park starting in November.

Our annual club Christmas party and officer elections will take place on December 10 at 6:30 pm at the Freeman residence. This will be a potluck, with the club providing a meat entrée. Please bring a salad, side dish, dessert, or beverages. One dish per couple is adequate. There will also be our traditional Dirty (or Nice) Santa gift exchange.

Informal discussion took place about potential locations for week-long cycling trips, including Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, and South Dakota.

We do not plan to have a November meeting.

Dan Reinking