Bartlesville Pedalers meeting

April 21, 2014

Freeman residence

15 attending

Alan Freeman called the meeting to order at 6:34.

Spring Fling, May 2-4, Washington Cove, Copan Lake

At least three parties will begin camping on Wednesday night and staying to Sunday (April 30 to May 4). There is one tent allowed with each of these three RV campers, but other tent campers may want to make a reservation at Washington Cove at Copan Lake. There will be organized rides leaving Washington Cove at 8:30 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings, and Pedalers are encouraged to come ride even if they are not camping. There will be group dinners at the campsite on Friday and Saturday nights. Please let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know if you plan to eat. If you have route suggestions for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday rides, please let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know. There was a suggestion to arrange routes that we don’t frequently do, so avoid riding to Hulah if possible.


Shirley reported that we have collected $660 in dues this year, and have spent $271 so far. There was some discussion about increasing membership dues to $20 because it was felt that our dues are rather low, and while we are covering our essential expenditures, there is not much extra for events or charitable donations on behalf of the club.

On the Rock bike ride

Malcom Joyce made a pitch for donations of money from club members or the club itself for the On the Rock teen bike ride event May 31-June 8 going to Ohio. They could also use experienced cyclists to help mentor youth on the ride and teach basic cycling skills along the way. COP and P66 will match donations by employees. He will be sending out an email about this project to the club.

Other items

We discussed a possible route for the 4th of July Firecracker Century that would use a park in Sperry as a turn around location and lunch stop.

Tour de Cure takes place on May 31 in Tulsa.

A May meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 19 at 6:30 pm at Mark Beckwith’s house. Address is 2124 County Road 3102 (north side of the road Pedalers know as Hudson Lake Hill Road). This is across from the train caboose.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32.

Dan Reinking