Bartlesville Pedalers meeting
February 17, 2014
Martin residence
Alan Freeman called the meeting to order at 6:35.
Shirley Martin, Treasurer reported that 38 members have paid dues for 2014 (more dues are expected to come in, as we usually have about 50 members). Our bank balance is currently $1784.69. A cutoff date for receiving dues will be set, at which time unpaid members will be removed from the club email list.
Keith Clark has printed copies of our club brochure for the upcoming Phillips 66 Health Fair and will deliver them to Alan. The Health Fair will be on February 26 from 11-1 at the Adams Building auditorium. Volunteers to help at our club table are welcome. The table needs to be set up by (or at?) 10:30. We hope to recruit new members and educate the public about cycling. Alan will check on whether or not the general public can attend the health fair, but either way it won’t be a problem for our volunteers to get in.
Our March Pedalers meeting will be held at the library at 6:30 pm on Monday the 17th, with the 19th as a fallback date in case a room is not available on the 17th (Shirley will call for a reservation). The meeting will be publicized locally in the hopes of attracting new members to join our training rides in March. We will investigate whether someone from Freewheel might want to come to discuss the tour and recruit riders.
The Pedalers spring training rides will start after Daylight Saving Time begins (DST takes effect on March 9). Our first training ride will be Tuesday, March 11 at 6 pm from Johnstone Park. Rides will start out very short because of limited daylight and to ease the transition for those new to riding, and will gradually lengthen as the spring season progresses. We began to sign up training ride leaders for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday rides, and more volunteers are needed. Contact Road Director Ginger McCullough (
Spring Fling is scheduled for Copan Lake the first weekend of May. This will consist of camping Friday and Saturday nights (possibly Thursday as well if there is interest) and road rides on Saturday and Sunday (and possibly Friday if there is interest).
There are many upcoming rides this spring such as Flower Power, Tour de Tulsa, Tulsa Tough, and a ride called the Wine Country 100 in Altus, AR on March 29.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.
Dan Reinking